Monday 1 October 2012

Oh wow

It has been almost FOREVER since I have posted here!

So what's new in the world of Blue Butterfly Designs?

I am not going to renew the website at the end of the year. It didn't bring me ANY sales, so I'm going to let it revert back to a free wix account, and sell through a site called storenvy instead.

I will also be experimenting with taking orders through email.

I am having a clearance sale! I will feature some of the clearance products at the end of this post. It includes not only discounts on the products themselves, but also discounts on shipping, including FREE CANADA-WIDE SHIPPING!

I also plan to start using Youtube again.

I have a tumblr account, you can find me under the blog Blue Butterfly Designs.

Anyway, that's all that's new in the shop world right now! I know it's not much, but I've had some health issues that have prevented me from working on things. I promise to do better from now on!

Monday 16 April 2012

Been a while since I posted, Hasn't it?

So. I am still around, I've just been quiet lately.

I have an injured foot right now (It's a long, nasty little story that I will spare you from reading unless directly asked) so I will have plenty of time to work on new products!

One of the items I plan to roll out this month is something I *think* I invented myself, though I am sure I got the idea from somewhere. Braided glass bead bracelets! I will post pictures as soon as I get a new camera, since my old one up and died on me >.<  (That's an annoyed face for those unfamiliar with smilies)

My neck hurts right now from being bent over my beading all afternoon. I think I may need new glasses again. Ugh. Oh well.

(This may be the last time I blog in the living room, on Monday nights at least, Papa Cam is watching wrestling and it's loud and annoying hahahahahahaha)

Well, the TV channel ust turned over to the hockey game, if the Canucks are playing I just might watch. In the meantime, the cat and I are sitting on the couch being snuggly until I feel like doing some more beadwork.

Next time I will have some more shop information and some new products to announce, including those braided bracelets I talked about!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Business Planning

Yesterday was an interesting day for me at EntreActive (The program for Entrepreneurs with disabilities). We started the section on writing our business plan, and essentially we had a round table discussion group where we went through the first chapter of our business plan individually, bouncing ideas off the instructor and the other participants. Now all I have to do is get to work putting it all in my own words, expanding on the notes, and putting it down in the business plan document.

I also intend to get back to work on my novel this week. I've had a long enough break since NaNoWriMo ended - it's time to finish writing and get to editing so I can take advantage of this year's createspace offer. I'm going to be a busy girl for the next few months!

Street market season starts in June, registration for most markets starts in March. Hopefully I can get a good table at a couple of markets and earn money to join some craft fairs in the fall - one of my business goals is to participate in five or more markets and craft fairs this year. It is so expensive to sell at a craft fair though. Well I am sure things will go well. I'm an optimistic person today.

This morning was my first session with the GROW program. It went well. Tuesday morning is jewelry making, so I sat and worked on some projects and chatted with the other ladies. most of them are considerably older than me and I'm not sure i fit in based on age, but once I started talking to the lady next to me, I think our age difference became a non-issue. I will give it another couple of sessions before I decide whether or not I fit in.

This afternoon when I go home from GROW I will work on some more jewelry and get some photos up in the gallery. I don't want to add more products to the store until some things start selling so I will be focusing on making products for the craft fairs and working on custom orders this next little while. But I will say that the more jewelry I make the better I get at it - so be on the lookout for some pretty epic products to come into the store later! I am even making my own watches now - I buy the watch faces and then add my own beaded bands to them. People here at GROW really liked the one I made for myself, so I made another one to demonstrate how I do it. They were pretty impressed.

I also have plans for a reorganisation of the store later in the spring time. I think I would like to organise it by category. having a seperate section for everything. Look for the new style some time in late February or early March.

Well that's all the news for today I think.
