Wednesday 14 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Wow! Remember the Good Mood set that I mentioned last blog post? It sold within 48 hours! That definitely put me in a good mood.

There is a video up on the youtube page about how to make hemp/twine bracelets with beads. The youtube channel is bluebutterflydesigns.

I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas or happy whatever else you celebrate. There are so many holidays going on this time of year! I can't keep track of them all.

 Combine with that the fact that my birthday is one the 23rd...

Amy's birthday was the 12th...

December is a weird month for me. So much going on...

Anyway! Shop news!

I'm considering bringing back the bottle cap earrings. They were insanely popular for an item that never sold...a lot of people really loved them but no one ever bought them. I want to try them again, hopefully those of you who liked them will buy a pair this time!

I've begun experimenting with making beads and charms out of polymer clay. I'm also making other things, such as magnets and trinkets. Looks for these items soon!

I've made some lovely "jean purses" that I want to sell in the shop as well. I plan to have a few of those made and listed in the shop by the new year.

Custom orders will be implemented ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 1st, 2012. There will be a $5 deposit on all custom orders before I will begin work. This non-refundable deposit is to protect me and you. It protects me from starting a potentially complicated project only to have the piece get rejected and me not earn any money, and gives you piece of mind that I'm not running off with a bunch of money. Not that I would ever do that, but people have expressed this concern in the past when I was requesting full price up front.

That's about all for today! Have a great holiday everyone!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

New Website! New Products!

Blue Butterfly's online store is now located at take a look!

In honour of the new site, I have posted all new products in the store. There's a lot of neat stuff there, if you ask me, including several necklaces, bracelets, earrings, classic wire-wrapped pendants, and the beautiful good mood set, pictured below.

This set includes earrings, necklace, and bracelet, and features hand made chain links made of silver-plated wire. The necklace boasts a lovely Mirage brand mood bead in the style Fancy Flame.

I also have several items made from vintage glass beads, including these two lovely bracelets.

Customers in Canada are likely to recieve Christmas orders in time if you order within the next TEN DAYS. US customers may not recieve theirs in time for Christmas, so order at your own risk!

Keep an eye out for more new products! Also, watch for more frequent blog posts, including some special features on the life of a jewelry maker, jewelry making in general, and the trials of running a home business.